warn that solar explosion would generate chaos in 2013 So says NASA. Is a natural cycle of sun radiation increases. NASA warned that 2013 could be a general collapse in electric utilities and communications as a result of the upsurge
sun flares
and the level of radiation.
As reported the Daily Mail
, NASA reports indicate that there will be a peak in the cycle of magnetic energy from the sun and the number of sunspots and flares that can cause geomagnetic storms on Earth. The consequences: the electricity could be out of service for hours, days and even months.
Increased radiation also generate problems in satellite transmissions, paralyzed air traffic and thus the transport of people, food and other supplies. As a result of communications problems, other problems would raise a sort of domino effect.
The sun has cycles 11 years of high and low activity. Now is emerging from a quiet phase and scientists expect to see a sharp increase in the number of flares and magnetic energy levels unprecedented. solar explosions could have a equivalnte to that of 100 hydrogen bombs and cause damage 20 times higher than that left by Hurricane Katrina.
September 22, 2010 15:46
http://www.minutouno.com.ar/minutouno/nota/135638-Advierten-que-explosion-solar-generaria-un-gran-caos-en-2013/ News in English
A massive solar flare could cause global chaos in 2013, causing blackouts and wrecking satellite communications, a conference heard yesterday.
Nasa has warned that a peak in the sun's magnetic energy cycle and the number of sun spots or flares around 2013 could generate huge radiation levels.
The resulting solar storm could cause a geomagnetic storm on Earth, knocking out electricity grids around the world for hours, days, or even months, bringing much of normal life grinding to a halt.
Defence Secretary Liam Fox, who delivered the keynote address at an international conference on the vulnerability of electricity grids around the world, warned that modern societies' dependence on technology leaves them vulnerable to such events.
A massive solar flare is caught on camera on September 8th. Scientists fear that the Sun's activity could cause havoc on Earth in 2013
The Sun follows an 11-year cycle of high and low periods of solar activity. It is now leaving a notably quiet phase and scientists expect to see a sharp increase in the number of solar flares as well as unprecedented levels of magnetic energy.
The rings of fire, which have the power of 100 hydrogen bombs, could cause twenty times more economic damage than Hurricane Katrina.
Experts met in Washington DC in June to discuss how to protect Earth from the ferocious flares, which are expected sometime around 2013.
Nasa is using dozens of satellites – including the Solar Dynamics Observatory – to study the threat.
The problem was investigated in depth two years ago by the National Academy of Sciences, in a report which outlined the social and economic impacts of severe space weather events.

It noted how people of the 21st-century rely on high-tech systems for the basics of daily life.
Smart power grids, GPS navigation, air travel, financial services and emergency radio communications can all be knocked out by intense solar activity.
But much of the damage could be minimised if it was known in advance that the storm was Approaching. Putting
satellites in 'safe mode' and Disconnecting transformers Could Protect Them from Damaging electrical surges.
Read more:
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1313858/Solar-flare-paralyse-Earth-2013.html?ito=feeds-newsxml # ixzz10Lx3tuwx
Image of Jesus in a crop circle? Research ... The dual of supersymmetric realities overlap in the Crop Circles: The human face coincides with the form on the Shroud.
With the most advanced interpretation techniques, several research teams are currently working on the interpretation of some of the "Crop Circles" the crop circles. I. Introduction.
STV20100531 ) that featured a compendium of information related to a system of interpretation based on Euler equation, as already discussed in detail, plus a system of equations based on the overlap of records as advanced techniques for interpretation of overlap (3,2,1) "Last Disc First
Over" (The last record overlaps with the first).
This advanced technique allowed out what the experts call "disk systems" into reality supersymmetric.
The source of the data can be obtained from the system initiated in Windmill (see Figure
) and refers to the overlapping scheme described in Figure
STV201006321 where we see the standard "Last First Disc Over."
In developing this methodology, there is progress in obtaining data that follow the patterns of supersymmetry described in equation STV20100526
and obey the following mathematical pattern in Figure STV201005 This methodology could be obtained from the data the system of equations of the recent crop circles, applying the rates specified in the table supersymmetry example
Different teams coordinated by the StarViewer Team, led to the extraction of data from the system equations
Wilton Windmill. settled interpretation can see on the web Cropcircleconnector.com
With the most advanced rendering techniques, several research teams are currently working on the interpretation of some of the "Crop Circles" the crop circles.
I. Introduction.
Since the appearance of one of the key records on May 22, 2010, in Windmill, UK (View STV20100622
) that featured a compendium of information related to a system of interpretation based on Euler's equation, as already discussed in detail, plus a system of equations based on the overlap of records as advanced techniques for interpretation of overlap (3,2,1) "Last Disc First
Over" (The last disk overlaps with the first).
This advanced technique allowed out what the experts call "disk systems" into reality supersymmetric.
The source of the data can be obtained from the system initiated in Windmill (see Figure
) and refers to the overlapping scheme described in Figure
STV201006321 where we see the criterion "Last First Disc Over."
In developing this methodology, there is progress in obtaining data that follow the pattern of supersymmetry equation described in
STV20100526 and obey the following mathematical pattern in Figure STV201005 This methodology could data obtained system of equations of the recent crop circles, applying the rates specified in the table supersymmetry example
Different teams coordinated by the StarViewer Team, led to the extraction of data from the system equations Wilton
Windmill . settled interpretation can see on the web Cropcircleconnector.com
II.-disc system on July 30, Wickham Green North and South.
This time, they can see the disks in
STV20100731i detail. The implementation of the disk overlay methodology has been applied as explained in this article that we reproduce below:
is clear that the superposition reveals a face identical to Turin. But there are many more data in the system of equations:
clear lack of concentration data corresponding to the Ionization of the areas in the South Atlantic Anomaly and verify the longitudes and latitudes present in the map. In this sense, the interpretation given by Dr. Victoria Andrianova
Lidia Popova and elaborates on the overlap of specific geographical points which could lead to geomagnetic disturbances.
respect to the binary code overlap, we have:
regard to the overlay of the south on the north need to image:
Related Documentation and literature interesting
as interpretation of the Crop series of July 30: Dr. Victoria Popova and Dr. Lidia Andrianova.
2.-The scientific reports of methods to interpret the STV: advanced techniques for interpretation of overlap (3,2,1) "Last Disc
Over" (The last record overlaps with the first).
3.-The Interpretation advanced systems.
4 .- The Scientific Report on the Shroud: Evidence from the printing process by electromagnetic radiation. 5 .-
Scientific Report Jumper and Jackson Doctors NASA.
6.-Other important documents: systems performance in ASCII tables and Windmill complex equation system, and related data Supersymmetric Realities:
STV20100731i , STV201005superdualidad
STV20100603 ;
STV20100622 STV20100531
StarViewerTeam International 2010.