In the newborn is characteristic of the Iris color, usually blue-gray to reach its final color after a few months.
Basic information and guidance. For personalized information consult your ophthalmologist.
CEUTA EYES. INNOVATION IN OPHTHALMOLOGY . Recent published studies by Sande et al in the American Journal of Pathology "seem to suggest that treatment melatonin may be useful in the treatment of uveitis.
Patients affected by this process often have red, swollen eye and visual impairment.
untreated, uveitis can lead to permanent vision loss. Thus, in U.S. Encompasses the 10-15% of the causes of blindness.
Its causes can be manifold, ranging from autoimmunity, ocular trauma, cancer, infection, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis ...
In many cases there is no fully effective treatment, and treatment with corticosteroids may lead to side effects such as glaucoma and cataracts.
The study findings show that melatonin, which regulates the sleep cycle can prevent ocular inflammation secondary to uveitis. It has been found that two factors that contribute to inflammation TNFa and NFKB, are reduced by treatment with melatonin. Tratamieno also reduces the accompanying clinical symptoms such as capillary dilation, eye redness, and cataracts, while helping to maintain the blood-ocular barrier.
Alone or in combination with corticosteroids, anti-inflammatory effects of melatonin can benefit patients with chronic uveitis and reducing the rate of complications secondary to treatment with corticosteroids, but are to establish the exact mechanisms by which melatonin help to reduce eye inflammation, which should be subject of further studies.