Several people have asked us information on eye development in conjunction with the campaign "PROTEGE MIVIDA" against abortion.
Although we have our personal opinion, given the medical nature of our blog, try to remain neutral, so that everyone must draw their conclusions.
Development EYE:
- 4 weeks (6-mm embryo. And 0.5 ozs.) Vesicles are already visible that will result in the eye.
- 5 weeks (embryo of 14 mm. Approx.): The eyes begin to take shape.
- 2 months (4-cm fetus. And 5 ozs.): The eyes are beginning to stand out, though not more than a few small holes in the skull. Can already be observed the formation of the eyelids, over the lens of the eyes, over the next few days, taken as ovalada.Los upper and lower eyelids are joined and closed, not open until the seventh month.
- 5 months (fetus of 25 cm. And 250 grams approx.) Appear eyebrows and eyelashes, starting to be covered with an incipient or hair lanugo.
- month 7 (fetus of 35 cm. And 1,200 ozs.) Opens and closes his eyes and the eyeballs are perfectly formed and ready to perform its functions. Perceives light as a faint reddish glow.
- 9 th month (45/50 cm fetus. And 2.500/3.200 ozs.): The training process is complete anatomical and visual device is fully developed, with the exception of the most important of the retina, which finishes its development late in the first year of the child.
In the newborn is characteristic of the Iris color, usually blue-gray to reach its final color after a few months.
Basic information and guidance. For personalized information consult your ophthalmologist.
extended information can be found in www.discapnet.es
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