Despite the advances in surgery and laser treatment of glaucoma, medications remain first-line therapy, especially among patients with primary open-angle glaucoma.
The current medical consensus shows that medical therapy is safe and effective, especially since the prostaglandins will replace beta-blockers as first-line treatment of glaucoma with latanoprost introduccióndel , and the further development and application of new prostaglandin molecules to their treatment ( travoprost, bimatoprost ... ).
Moreover, the results for 5 years in the Study Collaborative Initial Glaucoma Treatment, in which newly diagnosed glaucoma patients were randomly assigned to initial medical therapy or trabeculectomy support medical therapy as initial treatment without changing the current medical treatment algorithm.
Similarly, combinations of prostaglandins and timolol maletato in a single dose, improve compliance and monitoring of patients. Thus, studies show that the increase in the number of drops can lead to decreased compliance, as an option with fewer drugs has helped keep the preference of medical therapy.
While continuing progress in the surgical aspect of the development of Optonol (Alcon), the Trabectome (NeoMedix), valve Solx gold and canaloplasty (iScience Interventional), patients prefer that initial treatment with either medication. Rarely surgery patient arises as the first alternative.
New possibilities of medical treatment can be applied with inhibitors of Rho kinase, SNJ-1656 and AR-12 286. These inhibitors act directly on the affected tissue, the trabecular meshwork, and appear to show significant decreases in intraocular pressure. [ Tanihara H, Inatani M, Honjo M, Tokushige H, Azuma J, Arai M. Intraocular Pressure-Lowering effects and safety of topical administration of a selective ROCK inhibitor, SNJ-1656, in Healthy Volunteers. Arch Ophthalmol. 2008, 126 (3) :309-315]
thus open up new ways and expectations that extend the first line of medical treatment against the aptly named "silent thief" who is glaucoma.
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Basic information and guidance. For personalized information See your ophthalmologist.