Sunday, October 31, 2010

Wooden Fingerboard Sale 2010


, experts remain drug therapy first-line glaucoma in the near future.
Despite the advances in surgery and laser treatment of glaucoma, medications remain first-line therapy, especially among patients with primary open-angle glaucoma.
The current medical consensus shows that medical therapy is safe and effective, especially since the prostaglandins will replace beta-blockers as first-line treatment of glaucoma with latanoprost introduccióndel , and the further development and application of new prostaglandin molecules to their treatment ( travoprost, bimatoprost ... ).
Moreover, the results for 5 years in the Study Collaborative Initial Glaucoma Treatment, in which newly diagnosed glaucoma patients were randomly assigned to initial medical therapy or trabeculectomy support medical therapy as initial treatment without changing the current medical treatment algorithm.
Similarly, combinations of prostaglandins and timolol maletato in a single dose, improve compliance and monitoring of patients. Thus, studies show that the increase in the number of drops can lead to decreased compliance, as an option with fewer drugs has helped keep the preference of medical therapy.
While continuing progress in the surgical aspect of the development of Optonol (Alcon), the Trabectome (NeoMedix), valve Solx gold and canaloplasty (iScience Interventional), patients prefer that initial treatment with either medication. Rarely surgery patient arises as the first alternative.
New possibilities of medical treatment can be applied with inhibitors of Rho kinase, SNJ-1656 and AR-12 286. These inhibitors act directly on the affected tissue, the trabecular meshwork, and appear to show significant decreases in intraocular pressure.
[ Tanihara H, Inatani M, Honjo M, Tokushige H, Azuma J, Arai M. Intraocular Pressure-Lowering effects and safety of topical administration of a selective ROCK inhibitor, SNJ-1656, in Healthy Volunteers. Arch Ophthalmol. 2008, 126 (3) :309-315]
thus open up new ways and expectations that extend the first line of medical treatment against the aptly named "silent thief" who is glaucoma.

+ + nt = 685

Basic information and guidance. For personalized information See your ophthalmologist.


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Acne And Perimenopause

died 25,000 years Zecharia Sitchin

Zecharia Sitchin

died on 9 October.

In its internet web page Sitchin can read the following message: "We regret to inform you that Zecharia Sitchin died on the morning of 9 October. The family held a small private funeral the following day.

"The family asks to respect their privacy during this difficult time and refrain from contact with members of the immediate family. Instead, to offer tribute to Mr. Sitchin or to contact those who manage their affairs, please send an email to or a letter to PO Box 577, New York, NY 10185. "We appreciate the support you have given in recent years. Please keep checking this website for updates. "

Zecharia Sitchin was born in ancient Russia July 11, 1920 and raised in Palestine. He studied at London University and graduated in "Economic History." Although he was promoted to Master and Scholar in Ancient Languages, actually had no such degrees.

According to him in ancient times we were visited by an alien race that gave rise to the Sumerian culture: the Anunnaki, from a planet called Nibiru (the planet Twelfth, as Sitchin calls himself), whose elliptical orbit places it beyond Neptune.

In fact their work was more than poor, as several scientists, historians and archaeologists (see

). His translations of ancient Sumerian texts have many errors and all his works can be classified as pseudo-history and pseudoscience.

Among its more outlandish claims which was attributed the creation of human beings to genetic engineering work of the Anunnaki. According to him, the aliens created by Homo sapiens for use as slaves to work their gold mines by crossing extraterrestrial genes with those of Homo erectus.

was also stated that nuclear weapons (the "bad wind", as described in the song "Lament of Ur", written in cuneiform tablets) that destroyed the city of Ur in 2024 BC. Nuclear weapons would be used in a war between alien factions. To learn more about the pseudoscientific ideas Sitchin see:

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Ecstasy And Brain Hemorrhage

The tsunami and volcanic eruption left over 300 dead in Indonesia

The tsunami and volcanic eruption left over 300 dead in Indonesia More than 300 people have died in Indonesia due to the violent eruption of Merapi volcano on the island of Java and strong earthquakes in the Mentawai islands less than 24 hours earlier, about 100 kilometers further west, which triggered a tsunami that destroyed dozens of villages.

The powerful tsunami triggered on Monday after an earthquake measuring 7.5 degrees on the Richter scale on the Indonesian islands has already caused the deaths of 272 people and about 412 missing, according to a new balance provided by the authorities Wednesday.
"At least 272 people were killed and 412 are unaccounted for," stated Harmensyah, head of emergency services in the province of Sumastra OEstre. The previous balance

spoke of 112 dead in the Mentawai archipelago, near the island of Sumatra.

Harmensyah has underlined the urgent need to help survivors. "They've lost their homes and need help. The tents have been installed but not enough," he said.

Rescue operations are complicated by the location of the Mentawai islands of difficult access.

Moreover, Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono plans to travel this afternoon to Padang, the closest port to Sumatra.
A volcano erupted in the same place

At least 28 people have died and 14 others were injured after erupting Merapi, a volcano located virulent in Indonesia's Java island. Surono volcanologist says Merapi is now "pretty calm."

Sardjito hospital spokeswoman (Yogyakarta), Sri Endit Andrianti, said that the victims were killed by the blasts of hot air expelled by the volcano late on Tuesday.

"We're still gathering details to identify them. Most of them were burned alive" she said, and added that the 14 were also injured with burns.

For its part, the expert Surono said "no signs of an imminent eruption," but refused to give guarantees. "It still remains the highest alert level," he added.

Many of the victims were found in the town of Kinahredjo, near the crater. The town houses have been destroyed and the smoke and ash from seeing if the volcano has begun to expel lava. Die
guardian of the mountain

Among the victims was Mariyan Mbah, 83, considered the spiritual guardian of the volcano, who refused to leave his home before the eruption. Pramono said his body was found in prayer.

With him also died a news reporter portal. Your last sms was for writing. "He wanted to leave Mariyan pray to the end and convince then to go to the shelter," said a colleague. At home they found at least 15 bodies.

The lava dome in the crater dangerously arched upward. "There is parked a lot of energy," said Surono, head of volcanological research center. "It is difficult to predict what will happen later." In the best case, the gas will escaping slowly in the coming weeks. Not be ruled out, however, another strong eruption with lava and poisonous gases.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Jack In The Box Commercial What College

Tsunami in Indonesia, killing at least 40 dead

The movement of 7.7 ° is regsitró yesterday and hit the west coast, which caused a tsunami
several islands . Some 380 missing people find me

At least 160 people, mostly women and children, are missing in Indonesia village hit by a tidal wave following an earthquake caused off the coast of Sumatra triggered a tsunami in the area, authorities said.

At least 40 people died and 380 remain missing after an earthquake hit last night the sea off the island of Sumatra in Indonesia, officials said Monday.
A spokesman for the National Disaster Management Agency quoted Antara confirmed the discovery of 40 bodies and said he expected the death toll will increase in the coming hours.
The area in question is located about 240 km west of Bengkulu on Sumatra island and 280 km south of Padang, in an area frequented by tourists.
The magnitude 7.5 quake occurred 78 km west of South Pagai, in the Mentawai islands, on Monday night and destroyed most buildings in the coastal town of Betu Monga said Hardimansyah, the official responsible regional branch of the Department of Fisheries.

"Of the 200 people who live in that town, has found only 40. 160 remain missing, mostly women and children," he told Reuters by telephone. "

" We expect there will be people who need food and shelter supplies. It's raining very heavily, the wind is very strong, "he said. Mudjiarto responsible for the disaster response unit of the Ministry of Health, told Reuters that they had found two bodies near the island of Sipora and there were several still missing.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Locking Up Snowboards

Melting polar you still moving? China Village

polar thaw is he still moving?

is a fact
for experts: the melting of the ice due to global warming

. Therefore, it is not a seasonal event, but a long-term trend. This is a phenomenon that, if he keeps progressing, would generate the sea level rise and, consequently, great floods. According British scientists, the loss Floating ice each year would be similar to 1.5 million icebergs, which means that the increase of the sea is equivalent to 49 micrometers (the diameter of a hair). For the moment nothing to worry about, but estimates -beyond the decline of the ice sheet is slowly

sea level rise could reach some

feet per century.

Apparently, this situation is more rapid in West Antarctica (region of South America and Australia). It is known that the total mass of this ice represents 90% worldwide and 70% of freshwater reserves and that the surface continental ice is 14 million square kilometers.

Also, large chunks of ice that broke off in recent years due to global warming. The issue is this:

warming of the polar caps can cause melting of the ice and raising ocean levels, which would generate economic and social consequences are disastrous for the planet

. There will be attentive not it?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

How Long Does A 98 Mustang Last

disappear from one day to another

Strange news. I copy information from several sites and will continue researching this fact so strange and information will hang The following link is in Mandarin "the Google translation is

A people disappeared during the night .. very strange ... This article assumes that this could be related UFOs ... in fact on 13 October.
At 4:00 on 13 October Qinling case, according to reports, four o'clock today, a mountain village in the Qinling
inexplicably disappeared. .
Now the army has cordoned off the area. UFO. According to eyewitnesses, a UFO flying around. .

Qinling Mountains in snakes have fled, there is also information inside of the nuclear base in the Qinling Mountains in the accident. Sohu News: 10 October 13, one on ". end of the Qinling mountains to a village to disappear overnight, "the message go crazy on the network, especially in the micro-Bo was crazy reserved. After many journalists confirmed that the network confirmed rumors of the news department. 4! ... ... ... ... "" I have heard, yesterday at 4 am, a village in the Qinling Mountains in the end, all disappeared overnight! ... ... There are a large number of troops cordoned off the scene ... ... . " Baidu Post Bar in the reporter 的 Qinling saw a bunch of friends concerned about the so-called "foot of the mountain village next Qinling

disappeared." Users more skeptical. (13). Reporters today (13), respectively, Shaanxi Provincial Public Security Bureau, Shaanxi Military District, and the Qinling mountains around Hanzhong, Ankang, Baoji, Xi'an, Shangluo confirmation, the parties did not receive any relevant reports have indicated that the network attached network belongs to the rumors.
User: former glory, night to destroy the suspense! ! ! ? Immensity of the stars they really gone? ? The destruction is also the night
you have it? ? ? ? Haohao sky, sky, space and time the journey start? : Transfer of the Post Bar: 10.
to October 10, Xianyang many people, and they saw in the sky several unknown luminous body in constant rotation, but can not find the source of light, and everyone felt very strange .. Xianyang reporters in the sky to see two rotating circular to constant light, white light has been given, and everyone says that this has been happening for a long time. Xianyang people:.

PM seems to have an advance over eight years, has been staged. It has been almost two hours, until ten o'clock at night, many people today standing outside watching, and everybody had never seen a phenomenon. Xianyang people. I thought it was a shot back and forth light.
Although we have a speculation, but can not find the location of light poles and light source, with all these questions, journalists can start driving in urban areas trying to find the source of light, the last journalist Once in the city of Xianyang BOT square to find the answer. Half past ten or so, the center square out, everyone said before the light disappeared is unknown, it appears that only a false alarm. Xianyang light there has been an unknown explanation last night, this phenomenon may be not only a city of Xianyang. Q:. Now I'm in Xi'an Chang'an Road, this will be eleven p.m. twenty years, we now refer to the direction of my left hand down to see the color of the sky over the piece to be a little brighter, a little pale, but the sky around the color is black, we see that a large opening, surrounded by some small opening in the
that round.

This phenomenon continued in Xi'an, about ten minutes during the time period of two small opening in a quick rotation until after he disappeared to the north, while tracks on our platform Weinan, Tongchuan masses the two cities, but also to reflect the local newspaper The same phenomenon also appeared. Tongchuan masses:. A few light fly back and forth.

Reporter: How long is probably going Tongchuan the masses.: Half an hour, was very, was third, a piece of light, and a separate, masses Weiner. about eight of her, the white light and a flashlight in kind of similar move, still, I can see, north and south, turn from side to side semicircle shape can not see, but light, great for so you never see, never seen three decades a question: Why do many cities at the same time this phenomenon? Second question: Why the extra light appeared in about eight?. Other cities is unknown light appeared in the sky somewhere in the center of attention is also due, I do not know, it seems that only the relevant departments to verify. This morning, when the way the army of several bound for the Qinling mountains. Moving from the streets of our country, tanks, missiles, transport vehicles, and that, covered with a tarp. About 10 pm last night, he saw many people in our country on the Qinling Mountains have a very strange direction of the flash, according to witnesses, the flash is purple, the place was full of black clouds around three to five. Middle

clouds associated with flash, the thunder. A half an hour.? Qinling if anyone knows?. Our people are the mass of the county. Municipal blocked on our network .. Now I'm in other cities on the Internet .. ~ Here I am in the city of Xianyang, people do not know. From only 200 in our country on earth. .. No place so close to getting the message, my high school students terrible high just give me a call, and last night .. Lovio

Today many of the troops of the highway Xianyang our country .. High-speed roads have been closed. SOURCE

Transmission Fluid 110cc

felt and mourned after the loss of our partner Theodore, will restart soon blog activity.

Ceuta, on October 21, 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Has Anyone Used Nisim?

Metro signs of life issues, says astronomer

MEXICO CITY, Oct. 5 (EL UNIVERSAL) .- Following the announcement of the discovery of a habitable planet outside the solar system, Gliese 581g, the Australian astronomer Ragbir Bhathal, claims to have captured a unique and mysterious pulse of light in 2008 from the same region of space where it was found again planet.

"Whenever there is a clear night, I go to the observatory and look at various celestial objects.

was looking at one of these objects as I found the signal.

find a pulse long, the kind that emit a laser, which is just the kind of things we're looking for, "Bhathal said in 2008.

Puzzled by his discovery, the astronomer his inquiry for months around Gliese 581 in search of a repeat of the strange signal, but never again grasp.

The impression caused the space wave caused a paper record the rare find that I leave it to the unknown "is an ET?".

Although it could be a coincidence, this mystery is added to the announcement by researchers at the University of California, Santa Cruz and Carnegie Institute of Washington of the discovery of planet Gliese 581g in the constellation Libra.

Months after the strange signal Bhathal, astronomers found orbiting the star Gliese 581 Gliese 581e three planets, Gliese 518c and Gliese 581d, in the vicinity of an area that allows the existence of liquid water.

In September this year, Steven Vogt 581g Gliese discovered a planet that opens the imagination more than that created when the first planets found by turning on the star. Vogt

researcher at the University of Santa Cruz says he believes "one hundred percent" that life exists on Gliese 581g, hence relate this finding with the mysterious signal Ragbir Bhathal.

Gliese 581 g: possible

habitable exoplanet

is Gliese 581 g, a planet is 20 light years from Earth and orbits its star at a proper distance to have liquid water on its surface and sustain life.

months: " There is a 50% chance that in May 2011 discovered a planet similar to Earth, with biophysical conditions as offered by our planet and capable of harboring life." At that time we were wondering how successful it could be a prediction of that kind. Is that after all the nonsense contained in Nostradamus

, computer disaster of 2000 and other similar failures, we had become quite skeptical of any forward-looking statements. However, an announcement in the last hours by a group of planet hunters in the United States could make that prediction a certainty.
astronomer Steven Vogt of the University of California at Santa Cruz, USA, with his colleague Paul Butler of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, used a telescope 10 meters in Hawaii to measure the oscillations of the star Gliese 581 . These oscillations, as explained in other oportuinidades, are produced from the "pull
" gravity causes a planet revolving around it. They compared their data with those previously published by Michael Taylor, who had worked with the 3.6-m telescope European Southern Observatory in Chile and concluded that Gliese 581
were caused by the existence six planets. Of these, two were previously unknown. One of those two has a mass seven times that of Earth, and describes an orbit that takes 433 days to complete. Is too great a distance from the star to have liquid water.
The remainder could be the first exoplanet habitable we have news.
Gliese 581 g: posible exoplaneta habitable

not think that this planet is an exact copy of Earth. Called "

Gliese 581 g", the sixth planet from this star is 20 light years from the Sun has a mass that is three times higher than ours, and orbits at a distance Gliese 581 as appropriate to possess lakes or seas. His " year" lasts only 37 days, determined by the speed with which it moves around the sun and the distance that separates him from this. Best of all, it is within the so-called "habitable zone , a region where temperatures caused by sunlight is adequate to sustain life of the type we know here on Earth. addition, the size of the extrasolar planet suggests that it is composed primarily of rock (like Earth), providing a firm surface on which to live. The larger planets, with masses from about ten times the Earth, usually gaseous, so that live in them is, by our standards, quite complicated. Gliese 581 g, to our knowledge, it seems enough to Earth so that one day we can live in it.

No debemos pensar que este planeta constituye una copia exacta de la Tierra.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tex Capacity Exceeded [input Stack Size

airport closed for hours "threat of UFO

airport authorities Bootee, in the Inner Mongolia region of China, ordered the facility shut down for hours to prevent dozens of planes loaded with passengers crashed into a UFO.

Apparently, this is the third unidentified flying object is detected in another Chinese airport, where in July of this year was developed a similar situation. At that time, managers of the Xiaoshan airport where, in the province of Zhejiang, closed for fear that the alleged spacecraft landed, according to the British site The Sun

This time, an illuminated object and a tubular flying over the runway for several hours, forcing managers to divert airport where flights from Beijing to Shanghai and other airport terminals. The intention of the airport authorities was to prevent the collision of the planes because they could not make contact with the alleged UFO.

The first case was reported earlier this year in Hong Kong.

October 5, 2010 12:32