MEXICO CITY, Oct. 5 (EL UNIVERSAL) .- Following the announcement of the discovery of a habitable planet outside the solar system, Gliese 581g, the Australian astronomer Ragbir Bhathal, claims to have captured a unique and mysterious pulse of light in 2008 from the same region of space where it was found again planet. "Whenever there is a clear night, I go to the observatory and look at various celestial objects.
was looking at one of these objects as I found the signal.
find a pulse long, the kind that emit a laser, which is just the kind of things we're looking for, "Bhathal said in 2008.
Puzzled by his discovery, the astronomer his inquiry for months around Gliese 581 in search of a repeat of the strange signal, but never again grasp.
The impression caused the space wave caused a paper record the rare find that I leave it to the unknown "is an ET?".
Although it could be a coincidence, this mystery is added to the announcement by researchers at the University of California, Santa Cruz and Carnegie Institute of Washington of the discovery of planet Gliese 581g in the constellation Libra.
Months after the strange signal Bhathal, astronomers found orbiting the star Gliese 581 Gliese 581e three planets, Gliese 518c and Gliese 581d, in the vicinity of an area that allows the existence of liquid water.
In September this year, Steven Vogt 581g Gliese discovered a planet that opens the imagination more than that created when the first planets found by turning on the star. Vogt
researcher at the University of Santa Cruz says he believes "one hundred percent" that life exists on Gliese 581g, hence relate this finding with the mysterious signal Ragbir Bhathal.
Gliese 581 g: possible
is Gliese 581 g, a planet is 20 light years from Earth and orbits its star at a proper distance to have liquid water on its surface and sustain life.
months: " There is a 50% chance that in May 2011 discovered a planet similar to Earth, with biophysical conditions as offered by our planet and capable of harboring life." At that time we were wondering how successful it could be a prediction of that kind. Is that after all the nonsense contained in Nostradamus
" gravity causes a planet revolving around it. They compared their data with those previously published by Michael Taylor, who had worked with the 3.6-m telescope European Southern Observatory in Chile and concluded that Gliese 581
movements were caused by the existence six planets. Of these, two were previously unknown. One of those two has a mass seven times that of Earth, and describes an orbit that takes 433 days to complete. Is too great a distance from the star to have liquid water.
not think that this planet is an exact copy of Earth. Called "
Gliese 581 g", the sixth planet from this star is 20 light years from the Sun has a mass that is three times higher than ours, and orbits at a distance Gliese 581 as appropriate to possess lakes or seas. His " year" lasts only 37 days, determined by the speed with which it moves around the sun and the distance that separates him from this. Best of all, it is within the so-called "habitable zone , a region where temperatures caused by sunlight is adequate to sustain life of the type we know here on Earth. addition, the size of the extrasolar planet suggests that it is composed primarily of rock (like Earth), providing a firm surface on which to live. The larger planets, with masses from about ten times the Earth, usually gaseous, so that live in them is, by our standards, quite complicated. Gliese 581 g, to our knowledge, it seems enough to Earth so that one day we can live in it.
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