The microplasmin is a proteolytic enzyme developed by Trombogenics , and according to clinical studies can facilitate and induce a posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) by enzymatic breakdown of proteins that maintain adhesion between vitreous and retina. Could thus replace, in certain cases, a vitrectomy surgery, and even could have potential applications in the accessions of diabetic macular edema, diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration associated with age.
According to the study conducted by Trombogenics, currently in phase III, the microplasmin is effective to break the adhesions vitreomaculares, improves vision in patients without surgery, can be applied in macular holes, is safe and well tolerated.
pilot study results presented by Professor Peter Stalmans in Congress EURETINA of Paris showing improvement at 6 months of treatment, at least 2 lines in 23.7% of patients treated with microplasmin , and 3 lines at 9.7%.
We recall the editorial of Drs Cervera Diaz-Llopis and in the Journal Archives of the English Society of Ophthalmology in August 2007 titled "posterior vitreous detachment and pharmacological vitreolysis: the new age of vitrectomy enzyme 'esp Arch Ophthalmol Soc V.82 n.8.
In his simple but magnificent exhibition, our colleagues exposed the "universally known and perverse effect of strong vitreo-retinal adhesions": 1) Recurrence of detachment of retina with or without vitreoretinal proliferation. 2) detachment of retina diseases glassy-organized with Stickler syndrome, etc .- 3) Bilateralization of giant tears 4) Persistence and chronicity of macular edema (diabetic, venous occlusion, uveitis, pseudophakic Irvine-Gass syndrome). 5) myopic macular traction syndrome. 6) macular epiretinal membrane 6) Emergence of macular holes and their progression from incomplete to complete. 7) progression of proliferative diabetic retinopathy by vitreous traction of the new vessels. " And then spoke of the "gracious" and "prophylactic effect of having the DPV as soon as possible, and these should have parted ways before a slow, gradual and controlled, but without any risk of lamellar macular hole or complete, or cystoid macular edema.
Even then made reference to various drugs proteoíticos with ability to accelerate vitreous liquefaction, such as dispase, hyaluronidase (VITROS ®) , chondroitinase, tissue plasminogen activator, urokinase, streptokinase, natokinasa (NAT Substilin ®) , collagenase, plasmin and microplasmin (Trombogenic ®) and sentences "If this method gets to develop clinically, ie get off and liquefy the vitreous with a single intravitreal injection can be in a not too distant future to a major paradigm shift from our current conception of vitreous surgery today to have known: the birth of enzymatic vitrectomy . "
A new technique of femtosecond laser, CIRI or "Conic Intrastromal Relaxing Incisions "different types can correct astigmatism up to now difficult to correct, according to a study released by Dr. Roberto Zaldivar, scientific director of the Instituto Zaldivar (Mendoza - Argentina) at the annual meeting of the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery ..
In his presentation, Dr. Zaldivar refers to the possible application of the technique to different groups of patients with astigmatism not easy to correct, as patients with dry eye, or after cataract or keratoplasty interventions in Needing a procedure to correct residual refractive errors, as a minimally invasive and effective in correcting small amounts of cylinder and sphere.
All refractive procedures available to date show any side effects. Corneal incisions are characterized by low predictability, epithelial growth potential, or hyperopic changes, the PRK surgery may result in "haze" (clouds), regression and discomfort, and the LASIK may occur with irregular edges cut at the interface epithelial growth, and dry eye in older patients. All these changes may affect the quality of the patient's vision. For this reason, and because most of the complications of refractive surgery can take place on the corneal surface, it is now to develop safe and effective intrastromal procedures, as described by Dr. Zaldivar.
The new advanced technique creates intracorneal incisions without damaging the epithelium, and shows great stability in oblique incisions, less and less dry eye denervation and additionally can add new incisions, does not affect the optical zone and may be combined with other intraocular procedures, including the implantation of phakic lenses (ICL) and pseudophakic (IOLs).
While clinical studies to date show the stability and predictability of their results at 6 months, is now developing new applications nomograms and more cases, in order to determine its effectiveness and predictability long term.
Source: Ophthalmology Times Europe
http://www.modernmedicine.com/modernmedicine/CatRef+features/CIRI-New-frontier-in-refractive-surgery/ArticleStandard/Article/detail/695637Basic information and guidance. For personalized information consult your ophthalmologist.
Recently we have seen with pain as lost two small collections of old books on ophthalmology and missing many of his fellow.
Unfortunately today's homes are small, the furniture is functional, and families often tend to get rid of what bothers them.
come into our lives new technologies such as "electronic books" that can contain text from as many thousands of books inside, and tattered books, old and hands may seem outdated and dilapidated on our shelves.
From here open the project "OFTALMOTECA" , aimed at rescuing the books, documents and / or elements of ophthalmology of oblivion and neglect, and an inevitable loss.
therefore grateful to our readers who want to contribute selflessly to the project, before disposing of them get in touch with us, send us the address of our center in Ceuta (Spain), or our section emails (coming soon), or alternatively, send us your scanned documents to the address given below.
Also, for those who have known or are family of ophthalmologists and optometrists have already disappeared into believing that its history and work deserve to be picked up and remembered, send us the documentation considered appropriate (portraits, photos, publications, merit, references ...) the same addresses.
is our belief that anyone who has helped give life to our eyes and the development of ophthalmology, no one should be forgotten.
Eye Center Ceuta / Oftalmoteca: oftalmoteca@gmail.com