A spectacular image of the Sun shows changes in crown that can be hazardous to our planet
few months ago, scientists have been warning that the sun has come out of the woodwork and preparing for a phase of intense activity to date has ever known. These movements cause solar explosions that, if they reach the sufficient level of violence, can leave fried our electricity network and disrupt communication systems and satellite navigation. Have already seen some of these eruptions with unusual force, although they have only been a warning. Now, a stunning new image of the sun gathered by NASA spacecraft called Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO, by acronym in English), shows something very reassuring, a hole in the solar corona , zone where the magnetic field opens up and allows solar wind to escape. This hole is spinning toward Earth, possibly causing a geomagnetic storm reached
affect us.
Impressive image of the Sun's magnetic fields
This new image of the Sun was taken on August 20 by an instrument for imaging magnetic helioseismic (HMI) with The probe is equipped SDO. The magnetic field lines are color coded: white show the magnetic fields are closed, ie not released solar-wind and golden lines open fields, those who do leak. For scientists, the understanding of this mechanism is very important, because they believe that solar storms are caused by changes in the structure and connections of these fields.
The coronal holes are large areas less dense and cooler than the surrounding areas. The hole allows a constant flow of high density plasma and will cause an increase in the intensity of solar wind effects on Earth when a hole of this kind of facing our planet.
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