IV According to the results of health study English visual, conducted by Transitions Optical in 2009 on the prevention and maintenance of the visual health of English, 20% of respondents say they have never gone to the ophthalmologist for an eye examination.
So only 30% of respondents have gone to the specialist to perform a review once a year (we recommend an annual review), and 26% believe it is only necessary to go to an ophthalmologist if one has or is believed to have an eye problem.
However, 95% of respondents consider the view as the most important sense. And 77% has placed the vision in first place when assessing what is feared losing physical abilities during the course of life, followed by physical mobility (65%), memory (48%), hearing (9 %) and libido (3%).
With respect to the use of some form of vision correction, 71% of English ago Goggles or contacts or both at once. English for those over 55 years, this percentage is 93% and those between 18 and 34 drops to 54%. Retirees (93%) and homemakers (83%) are the most used collective vision correction systems.
regard to activities or situations can affect the visual health, the English believe that reading in dim light is what most affects your eyes (91%), followed by watching TV too close (88%) and expose eyes to UV radiation (83%).
In the latter, despite the fact that UV rays are present during the 365 days a year, 84% of respondents consider the summer as the season where your eyes can suffer from overexposure to UV rays, followed far behind by the winter (9%) , Spring (6%) and autumn (1%).
The Visual Health Study that Transitons Optical performed in Spain since 2005, also carried out since 2006 in countries that form the EMEA region: France, Germany, United Kingdom, Portugal, Netherlands, Italy and South Africa. Spain has taken a sample through 2000 surveys of population over 18 years.
This is the fourth consecutive year to perform this study, one of whose main objectives is to educate the English population of the importance of taking care of their eyes, 365 days a year, because you only have two and are for life. "
source: Transitions Optical.
Basic information and guidance. For personalized information consult your ophthalmologist.
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