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Complutense University of Madrid presented at the Salon of Inventions in Geneva an invention on such an important issue the prevention of blindness.
When we cataract surgery, as we age, our natural defenses against the visible light wear, or simply disappear. To avoid this, the Group of Neuro-Computing and Neuro-Robotics, led by Dr. Celia Sánchez Ramos, has developed a filter system that applied to lenses, intraocular both contact and contribute to the prevention and treatment of retinal damage caused by natural and artificial light. protecting the retina during adulthood, and may even prevent blindness.
The product is to add a protection for contact lenses to eliminate the negative effects of exposure to natural and artificial light.
is a normal lens, which can be graduated or not, which was applied a yellow pigmentation. Replaces the natural protective eye, we all lose with time and especially with cataract surgery. _
The invention of the University of Madrid is to compensate and prevent the degeneration of the retina. The solution is safe, economic, invisible and easy. You can apply to any type and design of contact lens with or without graduation. _
Researchers have worked for 5 years in animal studies and human clinical trials. First, we studied mice exposed to different types of light, their retinas were analyzed and shown which was part of the natural and artificial light that causes damage in the retina. In the next round of contact lenses were made UCM-AET to the animals for producing a barrier to harmful light. Experiments showed that our lenses block these bands get negative in the right proportion, acting invisible, no hassle, and above all, demonstrating that produce the protective effect. _
The team Complutense de Madrid also has conducted experiments with rabbits, which have been operated for cataract to simulate how light affects humans with these conditions. It was found that the genes that protect the retina are increased in animals artificially protected, while those that cause cell death, and therefore, blindness, are increased in animals that have no protection. Experimental studies have been presented at conferences on the best view of the entire world. _
With this treatment the lenses remain totally invisible and perception of colors and contrasts is not altered. These results were confirmed by extensive clinical trials in people over the last four years. _
The researchers are convinced that soon, all contact lenses and intraocular lenses in the world will protect the eyes against retinal damage induced by natural and artificial light. _
Although still not sold, several U.S. companies have been interested in marketing.
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Basics and indicative. For personalized information consult your ophthalmologist.
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