Since NASA confirmed the existence of Elenin , and alignment with the Earth and the Sun on this date have never stopped assumptions and conjectures that even predict a pole shift caused by the comet. truths and myths of a phenomenon that is revolutionizing the web
Discovery, the December 10, 2010
The comet was discovered near Jupiter on December 10 2010 by the Russian astronomer
Elenin Leonid, Institute of Applied Mathematics "Keldish" while reviewing images from the International Scientific Optical Network, a series of robotic telescopes that probe the sky.
astronomer, after months of observation found that the comet will reach perihelion ( nearest point of the orbit of a celestial body around the Sun) on 10 September this year. But today, March 15, would be perfectly aligned with the Earth and the Sun
The news, released during the first days of March, just went around the globe and the impact, obviously, had its epicenter on the web. Immediately, rumors and all kinds of apocalyptic theories began to circulate.
The video was posted on YouTube on March 8 this year, two days before the earthquake that devastated Japan.
The author shows that the alignment that would occur between 11 and 15 March and had occurred on February 27, 2010 . Coincidentally, the day the earthquake of 8.8 Richter in Chile .
March 9 The the same person posted a new video , which is outraged by the lack of measures to what was advertised. Alerted people living on the edge of tectonic plates (Chile, Los Angeles San Francisco and especially Tokyo) to "take a vacation far away."
"The news will not come to feed them in the mouth of information on what's really going on. The government is not going to organize mass evacuations, they do not know exactly when it will happen. The truth is that no are listening, and that makes me very angry, "he says in the video.
Two days later, on March 11, the earthquake in Japan and its devastating consequences, which continue until today : March 15, the last day of the alignment of Earth with comet Elenin. According
studies, the comet continues its orbit so that in October this year will have its closest approach to Earth (about 33 million km, a distance 100 times greater than that of the Moon).
But before the September 10 , reach the nearest point of its orbit with the sun , known as Perihelion, 45 million miles from the star, approx. According
David Morrison, Senior Scientist Astrobiology NASA Elenin "never truly close to Earth, but both in August and October can be seen with binoculars and telescopes ".
Morrison decided to answer the flood of inquiries received about this issue, in order to dispel rumors.
One of the more frequent releases ensures that the magnetic field of the comet, the closer to Earth could produce changes in significativios its axis of rotation, and even the dreaded pole reversal, which could end life on the planet.
"Do not worry about the small attraction Elenin may exercise in the gravity of our planet. Some say that the comet is likely to cause damage and disrupt the Earth's magnetic field. Comets have no magnetic fields and magnetic fields can not produce shaft rotation or cause earthquakes, no matter how large they are " , says Morrison.
On the other hand said, with respect to the version shown the comet produced a rotation of three degrees in the Earth's axis, causing an earthquake in Chile, which is "pure fiction". "I never thought of a rotation axis, which itself occurred was a shift surface, the proper motion of faults in the tectonic plates.
astrobiologist declared: "Let me say that an event like the rotation of the poles is IMPOSSIBLE. It never occurred or will occur. Which predicted a coming pole shift is a fool or a liar "Source:
Information extracted from the blog: / 2011/03/07/nibiruelenindos-soles /
Elenin Nibiru or Comet?
below the timeline with the most significant events surrounding the alleged "arrival" of Nibiru to the Earth's elliptical:
Nibiru February 20 positioned between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
March 4 Nibiru begins to cross the ecliptic plane of our planet causing geomagnetic dramatic symptoms. Saturn
March 1915, Nibiru, Earth, the sun, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus are aligned the fact that Hopi cosmology called as the first conjunction.
June 1927 Nibiru crosses the orbit of Mars. Aug 3
Nibiru crosses the orbit of the Earth. Aug 21
Nibiru crosses the orbit of Venus. Nibiru
September 19 reaches a position halfway between Earth and sun.
September 26 Nibiru passes between the Earth and the sun to generate the second combination of the legend Hopi and intensify the changes.
Nibiru October 17 reaches the location closest to the Earth.
November 22 Nibiru Alignment between the Earth and the sun, the third combination ..
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