Saturday, March 19, 2011

What Is The Pan That Comes With The Oven

SUPER 8 presents the reviewer DARK JACKAL (TRILOGY OF DARKNESS 2) Guillermo del Toro and second season of the series V (with alligator included). CATS ARE RARE addition JEFFREY BROWN, BLACKS 4: HELL, THE SILENCE and BATMAN / THE HUNTER: THE CLAIM OF THE BLOOD. And desserts SCREAM TV spot 4 (UPDATE: I add two videos of REAL STEEL robots)

As in recent days I have read (and seen) some things that had pending review by here, the I group them all in this login: are (side) all the readings in the post title plus my assessment of the second season V, which just yesterday I saw the tenth and last chapter. Let the block.


It is well known by any good movie buff, and especially if you like the subject of fantasy, the name of Guillermo del Toro . Tucked along with writer Chuck Hogan have made the Darkness Trilogy, which at the time I read night (first delivery) and now I've read Dark waiting to leave Eternal (which, if I mistake not, will be the title to complete the story.) Sheet you have the book plus a little preview of the for this link.

At first I have to say that the kind of vampire is one of the most versioned in history (along with the gangster and western). All input often cause me a sense of weariness, because at this point is so difficult to innovate in it that it's all over and over again on known patterns and predictable stereotypes. In the particular case of the vampire is also the damage has been done to the characters of Twilight Saga bloodsuckers and bright, has misrepresented what they have to be these creatures. Fortunately this NO is what we find in this book.

Continuing the story begun in the previous game this Dark no longer the story of the gradual infestation of the world from vampires, beasts here represented as more similar to those seen in Blade 2 (film Guillermo del Toro's , co-author of the book) than to the romantic vampire controversial Stephanie Meyer. There is nothing more than an entertaining story (and eye that I'm not saying it is not) if it were not for introducing new elements such as the viral origin of vampires (hence the white blood already explained in the first film) but mainly by the final scene leaves an apocalyptic world where these things get eternal night (and a technological way, with nothing of magic and fantasy), giving a certain air to those seen in the comic book series 30 Days of Night (although here the temporary lapses will be ... forever?)

While the main characters meet correction functions, most notably in Dark Abraham is undoubtedly Setrakian , A sort of Van Helsing which I did not imagine I stopped with some features such as Anthony Hopkins , and whose struggle with these beings goes back to the Nazi Germany (which can include such prominent detail in story naturally and without forcing the reader's credibility)

BEST: are nearly 500 pages that I read in just one week, which I think is a good example of interest and entertainment that you provided the work.

WORST: have to wait until the next issue, especially with the picture so interesting that at the end makes this.

V (second season)

With the good memories of my generation have of the original series of years 80 (although now seen some of the special effects are guilty of some simplicity) last season he wanted to see this remake, which featured an alien invasion to a new generation of viewers. Nevertheless it was with some controversy because of his pace at times monotonous, and so little shown of these aliens (veterans already knew that lizards are what lies beneath the human skin and what he wanted was to see these creatures to life with the latest technologies that are available today to the topic special effects). Moreover, although the overall assessment was an entertaining show, the characters in this new version sinned lack of charisma: the famous Diana or the intrepid Mike Donovan were on the minds of many, and none of the characters in this new version got them forget.

This second batch of episodes has improved some of these respects, but has followed the same course in terms of history: If the classic series took a long time not knowing the true shape of visitors from the world, here is something I still do not know anyone but members of the Fifth Column (the opposite group visitors). Trying to capture some of the original spirit of the history we have had visions of green skin that everyone wanted to see (although not much either) completed the final chapter of the second season for the first sight of a lizard without the whole body and skin that gives a human aspect terraqueous (SPOILER WARNING : the image of the end of the review). In terms of history say that humans are no longer a source of food for these lizards, but a means to accelerate the evolutionary scale (which has led some paths a bit forced as the search for the human soul)

But especially the tribute has been in a scene and two presences: Morena Baccarin as the perfidious Anna has recreated the legendary Diana scene eating a live mouse (I had almost said that with the same visual style) and have appeared in this season actors Jane Badler Marc Singer and , which were respectively referred Diana and Mike Donovan in the series of the eighties. The pity is that (for consistency) did not repeat the same roles and mismatch in display (or will, if we apply logic to the final chapter of this season) but have given some nostalgic patina V , especially For Jane Badler (although character's name is the same: Diana, despite not having the same feelings and intentions than his previous incarnation) As Marc Singer not appear until the end of the second season remains to be seen what their role in case V get a third season.

Due to the aforementioned lack of charisma among the characters (something slightly improved in these chapters) and in order to draw viewers' attention (and your audience is too Justito for what is expected of them) announced a death the end of the season but have been nothing less than three: two characters Visitors and a human (in the case of the latter one not fell too well, which the writers have chosen out of the way) All this plus the final cliffhanger (which we seem to be on the brink of invasion, and therefore that Humanity knows of the real reason behind these Visitors ) makes me want to wait with the series is renewed for a third season, which would close all strands not to stretch too much a story as best we can / could be developed is miniseries as giving rise then to the classic 80.

BEST: That this season have been more to the point, unexpanded both action and in the first episodes.

WORST: to leave us without a third season I think it should close and history.


Read the comic library Blacksad 4: Hell, silence (data sheet Dreamers Shop by this link), a great work Juan Diaz Canales and Juanjo Guarnido that like previous installments works perfectly in paragraph recovering the classic story of the black series of mid-twentieth century together with a graphic section with a brilliantly recreated anthropomorphic animals (even though it bugs all version "humanized" is simply GREAT ). Set in New Orleans beautifully captures the classic ambience of this famous jazz city, which to you like this comic I recommend you read all the above.

Library Read the comic cats are rare of Jeffrey Brown (sheet and synopsis of this title Dreamers Shop by this link ), eastern author I've read all his works are available at the above libraries where I live, and can be grouped into two main groups: the autobiographical and the cat (no need to clarify that this group belongs, obviously, right?). Quick and easy to read (that's how bad it is) no longer a work that would be a great gift for anyone who lives with one of these animals, because all the customs and curiosities that are cited cats to have me made us smile more than a moment because I know how real they are few. Read

library comics Batman / Huntress: The demand for blood (data sheet Dreamers Shop by this link). This is a comic focused on this minor character from the world of Gotham and has never been particularly liked by the readers (which explained in the article that accompanies it) due to the uncertainty of it. Reading the story does not surprise me because the protagonist would be a mixture of Punisher, Catwoman Batman and , added a few sources here also included within the tiring (for me) kind of mafia, which makes this work in something readable and moderately entertaining but easily forgettable.


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